Woodford Golf Club
Subscription Rates

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Subscription Rates and Membership Categories - 2024

WGC is a small friendly club, which actively encourages new members to join our thriving local community sport club.

Membership of the club is open to anyone interested in playing the sport of Golf regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

We offer a range of membership categories to fit the lifestyles, playing needs and pockets of a wide range of current and future golfers.

You do not have to have a handicap to become a member. As part of becoming a member, a handicap can be acquired. On becoming a member, if you do not know any other members, the club will arrange for you to play with at least one other member of a similar level of golf as a way of introducing you to both club and course (if you have not played it often or at all before).

Our only expectations are those which are a necessary consequence of the requirements of golf as a sport: a very basic knowledge of the playing rules of golf and an ability to maintain a relaxed but steady general pace of play on the course (many of our senior members use power assisted trolleys and buggies to achieve this comfortably).

For those potential members who have concerns regarding any the above requirements we encourage you to speak to our friendly office staff and please review our golf beginner membership offer which encourages and provides instruction for people who have never swung a golf club before.

For further information, contact the office on 020-8504-3330, email office@woodfordgolf.co.uk,


Full 7-Day Playing

Adult (30 years & over) £ 880
Transitional Under 30 £ 526
Transitional Under 26 £ 418
Transitional Under 22 £ 308
Junior under 18 £ 132
Junior under 14 £ 88

Introductory (First Year – New 7-Day Member) £ 595

International ((International Expatriate 6 M0NTHS max) £ 572

Country Plus £ 528

Concessionary (Low Income) (Sunset+) £ 490

Sunset £ 490

Lifestyle £ 440 (£165 + £285)
Country and Overseas £ 100

Beginners £ 165

Non-Playing (Social) Member £ 88

Coat locker £ 35

Bag locker £ 30

Tin Locker Shop £ 55

Shop Storage £ 30

New Lockers £ 65

Trolley Storage £ 30

Annual Subscriptions and Locker fees are due on 1st January or as shown on your invoice. Payment must be made prior to the 31st January or as shown on your invoice. Where payment has not been by this date Membership will be suspended


Family Membership: A 7 day male and a playing lady, with at least one child who is a Junior playing Member (under 18), shall be entitled to a 10% reduction on the combined parents’ Annual Subscriptions.


Woodford Golf Club as a participant in the Community Amateur Sport Club scheme recognises that the sport of golf should be available to all. Accordingly, the Club have a created a Concessionary membership available to people on low incomes enabling them to be an active and participating member of the club for a discounted cost. This provides membership for a cost below £10 per week. The golf club have also made two set of golf clubs (RH & LH) available for hire on a heavily discounted basis for those that wish to play but cannot afford the cost of specialist sport equipment. Please note a full refundable deposit is required when using hire clubs.

Eligibility for Concessionary membership status is restricted to persons on limited income. Any applicant applying under these criteria will need to demonstrate their inability to pay the full fees to the club. Examples of suitable evidence would include evidence of eligibility for appropriate government benefits, including Universal Credit.

Details of Membership Categories

Full 7 Day Membership – 2024

Cost: £860 a year – no joining fees
Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining. Full membership subscriptions may be paid monthly instalments for 10 months. You are committed to pay the total annual fee amount.
Family Discount - A 7 day male and 7 day lady, with at least one child who is a junior playing member, shall be entitled to a 10% reduction on the combined parents’ Annual Subscriptions.

Reduced 7 day annual rates are available for younger members:
Under 14 £75 Under 18 £120 Under 22 £295 Under 26 £395 Under 30 £495

Eligibility Conditions

This membership category of the club is open to anyone interested in playing Golf regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Our only conditions are those which are a necessary consequence of the requirements of golf as a sport: basic knowledge of the rules and protocols of golf and an ability to maintain a relaxed but steady general pace of play on the course.
Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at any time
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member.
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are eligible for reduced fees.
· Children under 14 can play for free when accompanied by a full 7 day member who is their parent, guardian or grandparent (subject to tee time availability)
· Reduced clubhouse venue and event hire charges for full members.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· Vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Introductory (First Year) Membership 2024

Cost: £595 – no joining fees
Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining. Introductory membership subscriptions may be paid monthly instalments for 10 months. You are committed to pay the total annual fee amount.

Eligibility Conditions

This is available strictly for new members and for the first year of joining only. You will have full membership benefits at a discounted price. At the end of the 12 month period, you can transition down to a lower category of membership or transition up to full 7 day membership.
Past WGC members are not allowed to re-join as introductory members.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at any time
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member.
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are eligible for reduced fees.
· Children under 14 can play for free when accompanied by a full 7 day member who is their parent, guardian or grandparent (subject to tee time availability)
· Reduced clubhouse venue and event hire charges for full members.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· Vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Sunset Membership – 2024

Cost: £470 a year – no joining fees

Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining. Sunset membership subscriptions may be paid monthly instalments for 10 months. You are committed to pay the total annual fee amount.

Eligibility Conditions

This membership category of the club is open to anyone interested in playing Golf regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Our only conditions are those which are a necessary consequence of the requirements of golf as a sport: basic knowledge of the rules and protocols of golf and an ability to maintain a relaxed but steady general pace of play on the course.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· Play anytime on a Sunday unlimited holes.
· Play Monday to Friday within twilight* hours unlimited holes.
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member that take place during the hours above;
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are eligible for reduced fees.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· Vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.
* Twilight hours are posted outside the Professional’s Shop and vary during the year, but generally are set to start 3 hours before dusk e.g. in December twilight starts at 13.00 noon.

Concessionary (Low Income) Membership – 2024

Cost: £470 a year – no joining fees

Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining. Concessionary membership subscriptions may be paid monthly instalments for 10 months. You are committed to pay the total annual fee amount.

Eligibility Conditions

This membership category is restricted to persons on limited income. Any applicant applying under these criteria will need to demonstrate their inability to pay the full fees to the club. Examples of suitable evidence would include eligibility for certain government benefits, including Universal Credit.
Restricted income aside, this membership category of the club is open to anyone interested in playing Golf regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Our only conditions are those which are a necessary consequence of the requirements of golf as a sport: basic knowledge of the rules and protocols of golf and an ability to maintain a relaxed but steady general pace of play on the course.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· Play anytime from Sunday to Friday, unlimited holes.
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member that take place during the days above, plus Captains Day;
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are not eligible for reduced fees.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· Vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Lifestyle Membership 2024

Cost: £415 – no joining fees

Lifestyle is a hybrid “pay as you play” format of club membership.
This is category of membership, designed to offer flexibility to those for whom full 7-day membership is not possible for reasons such as time or financial constraints.
It offers many of the advantages of full membership, the ability to upgrade to full membership at any time, and to “top-up” the annual cost if the golfing credit has been used up.
The initial payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining.
Part of the initial payment provides the Lifestyle member with entitlement to a number of standard membership benefits (registration, official handicap, club bar card etc.) whilst retaining flexibility of frequency of play.
Part of the initial payment provides the Lifestyle member with £250 of “green fee” credit.

Eligibility Conditions

This membership category of the club is open to anyone interested in playing Golf regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Our only conditions are those which are a necessary consequence of the requirements of golf as a sport: basic knowledge of the rules and protocols of golf and an ability to maintain a relaxed but steady general pace of play on the course.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at any time
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member
· Eligible to play in and win any club medals and all informal /social competitions organised by either the Club or the Club Professional.
· Eligible to play in, but ineligible to win 'Board' and other formal Club 'Cup' competitions
· Eligible to play in Club friendly’s home or away but they will be required to have a 'Green Fee' deducted from their playing account Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are not eligible for reduced fees.
· Reduced clubhouse venue and event hire charges for full members.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· Cannot vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.
Additional special features of the Lifestyle membership category are:
· £250 green fee credit is used at the green normal fee rate payable for 9 or 18 holes of golf, as appropriate, at the relevant time of day;
· Members are required to check in with the office before playing or practicing so that the relevant amount can be deducted from the credit balance.
· Failure to comply will result in a 18 hole fee deduction being made, if seen playing on the course and no Tee Time is booked (regardless of how many holes are played).
· If the Pro Shop is closed and you have no access to BRS then enter your name/date/time and number of holes to be played on the sheet provided outside the Pro Shop prior to playing;
· Lifestyle members can top up green fee credit at any time in tranches of £150;
· Lifestyle Membership will expire at the end of the year or (on joining date) and the member will be required to re-join at the initial fee rate;
· If the membership is renewed, only unused additional top up credit at year-end will be carried forward into the following year.
· If a member upgrades to 7-day membership, any unused credit will be taken into account in calculation of the fees payable for the new membership category.

International Membership (6 months max) – 2024

Cost: £430 – no joining fees

Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining.

Eligibility Conditions

Restricted to members whose reside overseas (i.e. permanent address in a foreign country) who are temporarily relocated to the UK.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at any time for a period not exceeding 6 continuous months in any one year
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member.
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are not eligible for reduced fees.
· Children under 14 can play for free when accompanied by a full 7 day member who is their parent, guardian or grandparent (subject to tee time availability)
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· May not vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Country “Plus” Membership 2024

Cost: £495 – no joining fees

Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining.

Eligibility Conditions

Current full or 7 day subscription membership of another UK affiliated golf club plus reside and carry on business or work outside a fifty miles radius from the WGC clubhouse.
Existing WGC members (including young members) intending to reside abroad for a period of one year or more may continue as WGC members on payment of the reduced subscription as above.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at any time
· Eligible to enter any competitions as a member.
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are eligible for reduced fees.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· No vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Country Membership 2024
Cost: £100 – no joining fees [logic error –needs to be £165 minimum to match the fee deducted from lifestyle members as stated as cost of providing the same benefits]
Payment is for a period of 12 months from the date of joining.

Eligibility Conditions*

Current full or 7 day subscription membership of another UK affiliated golf club plus reside and carry on business or work outside a fifty miles radius from the WGC clubhouse.
Existing WGC members (including young members) intending to reside abroad for a period of one year or more may continue as WGC members on payment of the reduced subscription as above.

Playing Conditions & Entitlements

· Registration with the Essex County Golf Union and England Golf.
· Free County Card (18 years and over).
· Obtain and maintain a CONGU handicap.
· 7 day playing membership at times not restricted due to competitions.
· Not eligible to enter any competitions as a member.
· You may play in competitions in which you are eligible as a guest only.
· Tee times must be booked prior to playing.
· Your guests are not eligible for reduced fees.
· Bar Card will be issued which entitles you to discount on most items from the bar, currently set at 20%.
· Participate in all social events organised by the Club.
· Full access to all Club facilities.
· No vote at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.

Beginner (starting out) Membership 2024

Cost: £100 – no joining fees (excludes golf professional tuition fees)

Payment is for a period of up to 12 months from the date of joining.

Eligibility Conditions

This membership category of the club is open to anyone interested in playing Golf, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
Do you want to play golf? Everybody is completely welcome.
People who join this category include total beginners and sometimes people who used to play but feel the need to get their game into shape before joining a club?

Beginner Membership Scheme *

Lessons with a professional golf tutor, at Chingford golf range. These are booked at your convenience and payment to him. Details are given below.
Ross Spurgeon, PGA Professional at Chingford Golf Range, E4 8AQ
Tel - 07816494531
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Website
@Spurgeon_Golf @spurgeon_golf Ross Spurgeon www.spurgeongolf.com

Playing Conditions & Entitlements*

· 10 x 9-hole rounds at WGC
· Full use of our club facilities including the bar, and access to social events
Either during (if you feel ready) or at the end of the 12 month period, the PGA Golf Professional will jointly assess your game and progress with yourself.
Progression options include joining WGC as a:
· full 7- member,
· sunset member
· introductory member
· lifestyle member
or having a further 12 months on the beginner programme on the same terms.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS 2025 (To be ratified at the next AGM).

Full 7-Day Playing

Adult (30 years & over) £ 880
Transitional Under 30 £ 526
Transitional Under 26 £ 418
Transitional Under 22 £ 308
Junior under 18 £ 132
Junior under 14 £ 88

Introductory (First Year – New 7-Day Member) £ 595

International ((International Expatriate 6 MONTHS max) £ 572

Country Plus £ 528

Concessionary (Low Income) £ 490

Sunset £ 490

Lifestyle £ 440 (£165 + £285)
Country and Overseas £ 165

Beginners £ 100
Non-Playing (Social) Member £ 88

Coat locker £ 35

Bag locker £ 30

Tin Locker Shop £ 55

Shop Storage £ 30

New Lockers £ 65

Trolley Storage £ 30

Annual Subscriptions and Locker fees are due on 1st January or as shown on your invoice. Payment must be made prior to the 31st January or as shown on your invoice. Where payment has not been by this date Membership will be suspended

Family Membership: A 7 day male and a playing lady, with at least one child who is a Junior playing Member (under 18), shall be entitled to a 10% reduction on the combined parents’ Annual Subscriptions.


Woodford Golf Club as a participant in the Community Amateur Sport Club scheme recognises that the sport of golf should be available to all. Accordingly, the Club have a created a Concessionary membership available to people on low incomes enabling them to be an active and participating member of the club for a discounted cost. This provides membership for a cost below £10 per week. The golf club have also made two set of golf clubs (RH & LH) available for hire on a heavily discounted basis for those that wish to play but cannot afford the cost of specialist sport equipment. Please note a full refundable deposit is required when using hire clubs.

Eligibility for Concessionary membership status is restricted to persons on limited income. Any applicant applying under these criteria will need to demonstrate their inability to pay the full fees to the club. Examples of suitable evidence would include evidence of eligibility for appropriate government benefits, including Universal Credit.


Woodford Golf Club as a participant in the Community Amateur Sport Club scheme recognises that the sport of golf should be available to all. Accordingly, the Club have a created a Concessionary membership available to people on low incomes enabling them to be an active and participating member of the club for a discounted cost. This provides membership for a cost below £10 per week. The golf club have also made two set of golf clubs (RH & LH) available for hire on a heavily discounted basis for those that wish to play but cannot afford the cost of specialist sport equipment. Please note a full refundable deposit is required when using hire clubs.

Eligibility for Concessionary membership status is restricted to persons on limited income. Any applicant applying under these criteria will need to demonstrate their inability to pay the full fees to the club. Examples of suitable evidence would include evidence of eligibility for appropriate government benefits, including Universal Credit.

Membership Application Form

Please click the link below to download a copy of our Membership Application form: